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- ;PC mouse adapter for Amiga computers
- ;
- ; use serial Pc mouse on Amiga Computers without Software driver !!
- ;
- ; 03.01.96
- ;
- ;This Program converts the microsoft and the mouse system format to amiga ones,
- ;three mouse buttons are supported (mouse system).
- ;Only hardware, it`s like an original Amiga mouse
- ;The Xtal frequenzy is 11.0592 Mhz, the TXD line from mouse is with a 20K
- ;resistor directly with the PIC 16C54 Port connected. Only three other components
- ;are needed for the voltage conversion: ICL7660 (voltage converter from Harris
- ;semiconductor,INTERSIL) and two capacitors with 10µF. The PCB is about 3*4.5cm.
- ;My PC mouse needs -5V on TXD,5V on RTS and ground.
- ;The adapter recognizes mouse protocoll changes automatic. I think it`s easy
- ;to include the Logitech protokoll but I don`t know it.
- ;
- ; see our Amiga Pic Tools Home Page:
- ;
- ; http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~duesterb/
- ; (Pic Simulator, Pic Progger)
- ;
- ;Dirk Düsterberg, duesterb@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
- ;
- ;Jahnstr.9
- ;31860 Emmerthal
- ;Germany
- ;
- ;
- ;thanks to Joannis Petroglou, who made this with his wonderful Tools possibel!
- ; Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
- ; Mouse Systems is registered trademark of MSC Technologies, Inc.
- ; Microchip is a registered trademark of Microchip Technology
- ; Logitech is a registered trademark too
- ; This source is copyrighted to Dirk Düsterberg, no trademark
- list p=PIC16C54, r=hex, s=off
- RESET start
- CBLOCK 08h
- trycnt ;synctrys, which format?
- loopcnt ;loop counter
- bitcnt ;bit counter
- serbuf ;serial buffer
- RBbuf ;Port buffer
- CBLOCK 10h
- byte0 ;first received byte
- byte1 ;second received byte and byte 4 (mouse system)
- byte2 ;third received byte and byte 5 (mouse system)
- RA = 5
- RB = 6
- #define RXD RA,1 ;RXD input, bit 1 from Port A
- #define r_b RBbuf,2 ;right mouse button
- #define m_b RBbuf,4 ;middle mouse button
- #define l_b RBbuf,6 ;left mouse button
- #define H RBbuf,0 ;Horizontal Pulses
- #define HQ RBbuf,5 ;Horizontal Quadrature Pulses
- #define V RBbuf,1 ;Vertical Pulses
- #define VQ RBbuf,7 ;Vertical Quadrature Pulses
- #define c 03,0
- #define z 03,2
- start movlw 0
- tris RB
- movlw 0ffh
- tris RA
- clrf RBbuf ;make butoons unpressed
- decf RBbuf,f
- movf RBbuf,w ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
- movwf RB
- clrf trycnt,f
- ;this is the routine for the microsoft format (3 bytes with 2 buttons)
- micro clrf trycnt,f
- mic movlw .4
- subwf trycnt,w
- btfsc c
- goto mouse ;more than 3 trys? jump!
- call rcb ;receive the first byte
- incf trycnt,f
- movf serbuf,w
- xorlw 11000000b ;invert bit 6 and 7 from working register
- andlw 11000000b ;clr bit 0 to 5 (buttons and coord.)
- btfss z ;skip if w is zero
- goto mic ;if not zero -> no match
- movf serbuf,w ;this is the first received byte
- movwf byte0
- bsf m_b ;middle button not supported
- btfsc serbuf,4 ;mov buttons
- bcf r_b
- btfss serbuf,4
- bsf r_b
- btfsc serbuf,5
- bcf l_b
- btfss serbuf,5
- bsf l_b
- call rcb ;receive second byte
- movlw 10000000b
- xorwf serbuf,f ;invert bit 7 from buffer
- movf serbuf,w
- andlw 11000000b ;clr bit 0 to 5 (coord.)
- btfss z ;skip if w is zero
- goto mouse ;if not zero -> no match -> mouse format
- clrf byte1
- btfss byte0,0 ;mov x6 and x7 coord. to byte1
- bcf byte1,6
- btfsc byte0,0
- bsf byte1,6
- btfss byte0,1 ;mov x6 and x7 coord. to byte1
- bcf byte1,7
- btfsc byte0,1
- bsf byte1,7
- movf serbuf,w ;set rest of x coord.
- iorwf byte1,f
- call rcb ;receive third byte
- movlw 10000000b
- xorwf serbuf,f ;invert bit 7 from buffer
- movf serbuf,w
- andlw 11000000b ;clr bit 0 to 5 (coord.)
- btfss z ;skip if w is zero
- goto mouse ;if not zero -> no match -> mouse format
- clrf byte2
- btfss byte0,2 ;mov y6 and y7 coord. to byte2
- bcf byte2,6
- btfsc byte0,2
- bsf byte2,6
- btfss byte0,3 ;mov y6 and y7 coord. to byte2
- bcf byte2,7
- btfsc byte0,3
- bsf byte2,7
- movf serbuf,w ;set rest of y coord.
- iorwf byte2,f
- comf byte2,f ;fix microsoft to mouse protokoll
- incf byte2,f ;(up and down exchanged)
- clrf trycnt
- goto micro
- ;this is the routine for the mouse system format (5 bytes with 3 buttons)
- mouse movlw .6
- subwf trycnt,w
- btfsc c
- goto micro ;more than 5 trys? jump micro!
- call rcb ;get first of five bytes from serial mouse
- incf trycnt,f ;one more try
- ;test format #10000lmr (left, middle, right)
- movf serbuf,w
- xorlw 10000000b ;invert bit 7 from working register
- andlw 11111000b ;clr bit 0 to 2 (buttons)
- btfss z ;skip if w is zero
- goto mouse ;if not zero -> no match
- movf serbuf,w
- movwf byte0
- call rcb ;byte1, X-Axis movement data
- movf serbuf,w
- movwf byte1
- call rcb ;byte2, Y-Axis movement data
- movf serbuf,w
- movwf byte2
- call rcb ;byte3, X-Axis movement data
- movf serbuf,w
- movwf byte1
- call rcb ;byte4, Y-Axis movement data
- movf serbuf,w
- movwf byte2
- btfss byte0,0 ;convert to Amiga
- bcf r_b
- btfsc byte0,0
- bsf r_b
- btfss byte0,1
- bcf m_b
- btfsc byte0,1
- bsf m_b
- btfss byte0,2
- bcf l_b
- btfsc byte0,2
- bsf l_b
- movf RBbuf,w
- movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
- clrf trycnt
- goto mouse
- ;receive routine, receive 8bits
- ;loop is done until byte is received
- rcb btfsc RXD
- goto rcshift ;startbit ?
- goto rcb
- rcshift movlw .8
- movwf bitcnt
- call whbit ;wait half bit (middle bit position)
- r_it call wbit ;wait bit delay
- btfss RXD ;move RXD into c
- bcf c
- btfsc RXD
- bsf c
- rrf serbuf,f ;rotate c in serbuf
- decfsz bitcnt
- goto r_it ;decrement bit counter (8 bits)
- comf serbuf ;invert serbuf (RS232 -> TTL)
- call whbit ;wait a half bit to get out from data area
- retlw 0 ;back
- ;wait routine for one and one half bit for 1200 baud
- whbit movlw .125
- movwf loopcnt ;1200
- do_hbit nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- decfsz loopcnt
- goto do_hbit
- retlw 0
- ;this routine is one bit long, it converts the axe counter to a quadrature
- ;modulation, every change on V,VQ,H or HQ means a mouse move
- wbit movlw .45
- movwf loopcnt ;quad mod is done while bit waiting
- x_axe movf byte1,w
- btfsc z
- goto x_axe0 ;byte1 = 0, nothing to do
- btfsc byte1,7
- goto _right ;jump if bit
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- left decf byte1,f ;decrement byte 1
- btfsc H
- goto leftx1 ;jmp to x1 if H set
- btfsc HQ
- goto left10
- bsf H ;set H if H and HQ clear
- goto lback1
- leftx1 btfsc HQ
- bcf H ;clr H if H set and HQ set
- btfss HQ
- bsf HQ ;set HQ if H set and HQ clear
- goto lback3
- left10 bcf HQ ;clear HQ if H clear and HQ set
- goto lback2
- x_axe0 nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- lback1 nop
- lback2 nop
- lback3 movf RBbuf,w
- movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
- goto y_axe
- _right comf byte1,f ;negate byte1
- incf byte1,f
- nop
- nop
- right decf byte1,f
- btfsc HQ
- goto right1x ;jmp to 1x if HQ set
- btfsc H
- goto right01
- bsf HQ ;set HQ if H and HQ clear
- goto rback1
- right1x btfsc H
- bcf HQ ;clrb H if H and HQ set
- btfss H
- bsf H ;setb H if H clear and HQ set
- goto rback3
- right01 bcf H ;clr H if HQ clear and H set
- goto rback2
- rback1 nop
- rback2 nop
- rback3 movf RBbuf,w
- movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
- comf byte1,f
- incf byte1,f
- y_axe movf byte2,w
- btfsc z
- goto y_axe0 ;byte2 = 0, nothing to do
- btfsc byte2,7
- goto _up ;jump if bit
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- down decf byte2,f
- btfsc VQ
- goto down1x ;jmp to 1x if VQ set
- btfsc V
- goto down01
- bsf VQ ;set VQ if V and VQ clear
- goto dback1
- down1x btfsc V
- bcf VQ ;clrb V if V and VQ set
- btfss V
- bsf V ;setb V if V clear and VQ set
- goto dback3
- down01 bcf V ;clr V if VQ clear and V set
- goto dback2
- y_axe0 nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- nop
- dback1 nop
- dback2 nop
- dback3 movf RBbuf,w
- movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
- goto done
- _up comf byte2,f
- incf byte2,f
- nop
- nop
- up decf byte2,f
- btfsc V
- goto up_x1 ;jmp to x1 if V set
- btfsc VQ
- goto up_10
- bsf V ;set V if V and VQ clear
- goto uback1
- up_x1 btfsc VQ
- bcf V ;clr V if V set and VQ set
- btfss VQ
- bsf VQ ;set VQ if V set and VQ clear
- goto uback3
- up_10 bcf VQ ;clear VQ if V clear and VQ set
- goto uback2
- uback1 nop
- uback2 nop
- uback3 movf RBbuf,w
- movwf RB ;use Port buffer to prevent read from Port
- comf byte2,f
- incf byte2,f
- done decfsz loopcnt
- goto x_axe
- retlw 0